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Strength and conditioning for skateboarders and runners.

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Coaching sessions

All training sessions take place at the Boardybuilding Fitness Studio in Brixton. (unless you are competing). 

I, Tommy, wanted to create a space where we can tackle your goal without any distractions using all the equipment necessary to make the most of your time to get you from a to b.

The first time we meet in person we will discuss your goal, problem or barrier that you are currenty facing and I will use my knowledge as a level 4 strength and conditioning coach to explain the best solution for you.

I will construct a plan of action and explain to you how we can bring your goal to life and how long it will take for you to realistically achieve it.

Once we have discussed your plan, we will find a package based on your goal, budget and time frame, for you to get the results you want.

I am confident and passionate about training runners and skateboarders, having successfully trained and coached athletes that wanted to compete in half marathons, marathons, ultra marathons, triathlons and want to be stronger skateboarders. Many of which were suffering with joint pain issues which was holding them back from their ability to perform efficiently at their sport.  As a coach and as an  experienced runner and skateboarder myself, it brings me joy to see my athletes improving in their sport thanks to the strength training we do at the Boardybuilding Fitness studio.

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